Pond Liners & Dam Liners

Geotest specialises in providing comprehensive services for the design, supply, installation, and quality assurance testing of geomembrane dam liners and liners for various water containment applications including those in reservoirs, natural ponds, farm ponds, and stormwater ponds. We have the knowledge and experience to offer specialised recommendations for all your Geosynthetics needs.

Why Use Geomembranes for Dam & Pond Liners?

Water Containment:

Geomembranes play a crucial role in the construction of dams and ponds by creating a watertight barrier that prevents water loss and maintains the desired water levels. This barrier is essential for preventing leaks and ensuring the preservation of water resources and quality.

Leak Protection:

Geomembrane liners serve as a vital safeguard against water loss through leakage. Preventing water loss is not only an efficient use of resources but also crucial for preserving the integrity of the surrounding area. By preventing soil erosion, which can compromise the structure of dams and ponds, geomembrane liners help mitigate potential environmental damage.

Protection of Water Quality:

In addition to leak prevention, dam and pond liners play a significant role in preserving water quality. By acting as a barrier, they prevent the infiltration of contaminants such as chemicals, pollutants, and bacteria, thereby safeguarding the purity of the stored water.

Types of Geomembranes Suitable for Dam, Reservoir or Pond Liners

Several types of geomembranes are suitable for water containment in dams, ponds, and reservoirs:

High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Geomembrane:

HDPE is a popular choice for dam lining due to its exceptional strength, durability, and resistance to UV rays, punctures, and tears.

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Geomembrane:

PVC geomembranes, often reinforced with a polyester mesh for added strength and durability, are commonly used as dam liners.

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Geomembrane:

EPDM, a synthetic rubber material, offers flexibility and superior resistance to UV rays, ozone, and extreme temperatures. It is frequently used as a pond liner and can also be employed for certain dam lining applications.

Unrivalled Expertise in Geomembrane Pond & Dam Liners

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Geomembrane for Dam or Pond Liners

Selecting the most suitable geomembrane material for your dam or pond liner is essential to ensure optimal longevity and performance. Geotest, as a pioneer in geosynthetics, collaborates with you to determine the best type of geomembrane for your specific application, considering the following factors:

  1. Water and Soil Conditions: The characteristics of the water and soil in the area influence the choice of geomembrane liner, as well as its thickness and other specifications.
  2. Size and Shape of the Dam: The size, shape, and volume of water to be contained within the dam or pond are crucial considerations when selecting a geomembrane and determining the installation method.
  3. UV Resistance: Australia’s hot and sunny climate exposes geomembranes to high levels of UV radiation. Our engineers possess the expertise to recommend materials and specific geomembranes that can withstand UV exposure while maintaining their flexibility and strength, ensuring long-term performance without degradation or brittleness.
  4. Temperature Resistance: Temperature fluctuations, which can be significant in Australia, can impact the durability and lifespan of dams and pond liners. Geotest’s team is skilled in selecting liners that can handle temperature changes without cracking or deteriorating.
  5. Cost and Budget: Considering the cost and budget for the project is crucial, as geomembranes can vary in price depending on the type, thickness, and size of the liner. Geotest ensures a balance between cost-effectiveness and the desired performance.

Advantages of Geomembranes as Dam or Pond Liners 

  1. Durability: Designed to withstand various environmental conditions, geomembranes exhibit excellent resistance to punctures, tears, and other forms of damage.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Compared to alternative materials like concrete or clay, geomembranes often provide a more cost-effective solution for the dam or pond lining. With proper installation and minimal maintenance requirements, they can last for decades, providing a reliable and durable water containment system.
  3. Flexibility: Geomembranes can be custom-sized and moulded to fit the specific contours of the dam or pond, making them versatile and adaptable for a wide range of applications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Dam Liners & Pond Liners

What is the difference between a dam liner and a pond liner?

While both dam liners and pond liners serve the purpose of water containment systems, there are three key differences:

Size and Shape: Dam liners are typically larger and have irregular shapes, covering the bottom and sides of dams, which often span large areas with varying contours. Pond liners, on the other hand, are generally smaller, more uniform in shape, and hold smaller volumes of water.

Water Pressure: Dams are designed to hold back significant volumes of water, exerting considerable pressure on the liner. Consequently, dam liners are typically thicker and more durable than pond liners, capable of withstanding high-water pressure. Pond liners may not require the same thickness or strength, as they experience lower water pressure.

Material Options:

While the same materials can be used for both pond and dam liners, the thickness, strength, and other properties of the materials may differ. Dam liners often require heavier-duty materials, depending on the size and water pressure of the dam.

What is the difference between a dam liner and a pond liner?

While both dam liners and pond liners serve the purpose of water containment systems, there are three key differences:

Size and Shape: Dam liners are typically larger and have irregular shapes, covering the bottom and sides of dams, which often span large areas with varying contours. Pond liners, on the other hand, are generally smaller, more uniform in shape, and hold smaller volumes of water.

Water Pressure: Dams are designed to hold back significant volumes of water, exerting considerable pressure on the liner. Consequently, dam liners are typically thicker and more durable than pond liners, capable of withstanding high-water pressure. Pond liners may not require the same thickness or strength, as they experience lower water pressure.

Material Options:

While the same materials can be used for both pond and dam liners, the thickness, strength, and other properties of the materials may differ. Dam liners often require heavier-duty materials, depending on the size and water pressure of the dam.

Are dams and pond liners harmful to the environment?

Modern liners are designed to be safe and non-toxic. Moreover, they actively protect the environment by preventing the seepage of toxic chemicals or pollutants into the surrounding soil or water.

How are dam liners installed?

Dam liners are typically installed directly over a pre-prepared surface and carefully rolled out into place. Any joins are welded to create a watertight seal, and the liner is secured using anchor trenches, weighted edges, or other reliable methods.

How long do dam liners/pool liners last?

The lifespan of a dam or pond liner depends on factors such as the type of material used, installation quality, exposure to UV rays and other environmental factors. With proper installation and maintenance, most dam or pond liners are expected to last between 20 and 50 years.

Can dam liners be repaired if damaged?

Yes, most dam or pond liners can be repaired if punctured or damaged. The repair method depends on the extent and location of the damage and may involve patching the liner or installing an additional layer of material.